Thursday, June 23, 2011

something old, something new

Why are there so many June weddings?  Back in the Roman days, a wedding in the month named for Jun, the goddess of marriage, was most auspicious.  But there was also a practical side: A June wedding would ensure the bride could still work during the harvest and, unless another baby was coming along, would be totally ready for the next year's harvest as well.  The pre-harvest wedding was popular in many areas throughout the world.

A bride tripping while entering her new home was viewed as a very bad omen and was a welcome invitation for evil spirits to enter her body.  Apparently, the groom was somehow not prone to tripping, so he carried her over the threshold.

The bouquet? The flowers included spices and herbs that warded off those pesky evil spirits, as did the wedding bells.  The spices and herbs represented fertility, as did the rice thrown after the wedding ceremony.

The ancient Egyptians believed that an important vein ran from the fourth finger on the left hand to the heart, so that became the ring finger.  The circle of the ring itself symbolizes eternity and eternal love while gold represents purity.

In ancient Babylonia, the bride's father would supply his new son-in-law with all the beer - which in those days was made with honey - that he could drink for one month, one moon.  Our modern version of the honeymoon sounds like much more fun.

Something old represented the past, the bride's former life.  Something new represented the new life she was welcoming.  Something borrowed represented remembering to ask for the help that everyone needs in life.  Something blue represented the moon, which was thought to protect women, and symbolized faithfulness.

Those are the origins of some traditions as a new couple ties the knot.  That term has many potential origins including a reference to the marriage bed (which was made of robe) or knots being an important part of weddings in many cultures.  In our jargon, the term most likely comes from the Middle English cnotte, "the bond of wedlock."

-Taken from the June issue of Science of Mind magazine.

Monday, June 13, 2011

I'm back...and I'm better than ever!

I have so many thoughts to share with you, so much information has accumulated in my folder that I don't know where to begin!  Royal Wedding? Spring flings? Interfaith Prayers? Ceremony Music? OH there's so much to say!! 

First things first: I'm told that if you dust your face with a shimmery-pink-powder when you're done with your wedding make-up you will glow in your pics.  Just a little tip from a make-up artist I know. 

Moving on...I suppose I will start up from where I left off, it was right around Royal Wedding time.   I loved the Royal Wedding.  I was a little girl when Charles and Diana married, I had a sleepover with my BFF and my mom woke us up early to watch the Royal Wedding.  I reminded my friend of this recently and she wondered if we stayed home from school to watch.  We looked into it and realized it was a weekend BUT I have NO doubt we would've stayed home if it were during the week, it was very important!!!

This time for William and Kate's wedding I had a "living room" sleepover with my daughters and we woke up early to watch. It was a memory to be made and it was WONDERFUL!! My five year old is sooooooo into the whole Princess thing, just watching her face as she watched the Royal Wedding was worth all the sleepiness in the world.  If you haven't seen the wedding, I'm attaching the YOUTUBE ceremony here.  Pay close attention.  There are LOTS of things you can do for your own ceremony.  See what catches your attention and use it, you are a Princess after all.  You know you are.
William and Kate's Wedding

Transcript of Royal Vows:
Archbishop to Prince William: William Arthur Philip Louis, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony?
Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?
He answers: I will.
Archbishop to Catherine: Catherine Elizabeth, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?
She answers: I will.
The Archbishop continues: Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?
The Archbishop receives Catherine from her father's hand. Taking Catherine's right hand, Prince William says after the Archbishop: I, William Arthur Philip Louis, take thee, Catherine Elizabeth to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law; and thereto I give thee my troth.
They loose hands. Catherine, taking Prince William by his right hand, says after the Archbishop: I, Catherine Elizabeth, take thee, William Arthur Philip Louis, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law; and thereto I give thee my troth.
They loose hands. The Archbishop blesses the ring: Bless, O Lord, this ring, and grant that he who gives it and she who shall wear it may remain faithful to each other, and abide in thy peace and favour, and live together in love until their lives' end. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prince William takes the ring and places it upon the fourth finger of Catherine's left hand. Prince William says after the Archbishop: With this ring I thee wed; with my body I thee honour; and all my worldly goods with thee I share: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
The congregation remains standing as the couple kneels. The Archbishop says: Let us pray.
O Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind, giver of all spiritual grace, the author of everlasting life: send thy blessing upon these thy servants, this man and this woman, whom we bless in thy name; that, living faithfully together, they may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant betwixt them made, whereof this ring given and received is a token and pledge; and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy laws; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Archbishop joins their right hands together and says: Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder.
The Archbishop addresses the congregation: Forasmuch as William and Catherine have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring, and by joining of hands; I pronounce that they be man and wife together, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
The Archbishop blesses the couple: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favour look upon you; and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that ye may so live together in this life, that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Handfastings Part Duex

Happy Rainy Friday Everyone!!! Yuck.

Tomorrow's wedding is at
The Landis Valley Museum,
please send warm, SUNNY thoughts!

Tomorrow's couple liked the idea of a Handfasting/Blessing but didn't like the "wordiness" of it so, the bride herself reworded a snippet that I will read before the it is:

"Bride and Groom as you hold one each others hands on your wedding day – know what a gift they are to you. Bless these hands. May they always be held by one another. Give them strength to hold on during storms of stress and the dark of disillusionment. Keep them tender and gentle as they nurture each other in their love."

Short and sweet yes? Just another example of how you can incorporate a handfasting/blessing into your ceremony if you choose to do so. Here's another:

(Bride), please face (Groom), and hold his hands, palms up, so you may see the gift that they are to you. (Bride and Groom should be facing each other, his upturned hands resting in hers.)

These are the hands, young and strong and vibrant with love, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as he promises to love you all the days of his life.
These are the hands you will place with expectant joy against your stomach, until he too, feels his child stir within your womb. These are the hands that look so large and clumsy, yet will be so gentle as he holds your baby for the first time.  These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness.  These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes: tears of sorrow and tears of joy.  These are the hands that will comfort you in illness, and hold you when fear or grief rack your mind.  These are the hands that will tenderly lift your chin and brush your cheek as they raise your face to look into his eyes: eyes that are filled completely with his love and desire for you.

(Groom), please hold (Bride)'s hands, palms up, where you may see the gift that they are to you.
(Bride should now place her upturned hands in the Groom's hands.)
These are the hands that are smooth, young, and carefree, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as she pledge her love and commitment to you all the days of her life.  These are the hands that will hold each child in tender love, soothing them through illness and hurts, supporting and encouraging them along the way, and knowing when it's time to let go. These are the hands that will massage tension from your neck and back in the evenings, after you've both had a long hard day. These are the hands that will hold you tight as you struggle through difficult times. They are the hands that will comfort you when you are sick or console you when you are grieving.  These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness.  These are the hands that will hold you in joy and excitement and hope.
These are the hands that will give you support as she encourages you to chase down your dreams. Together, everything you wish for can be realized.

God, Bless the hands that you see before you this day. May they always be held by one another. Give them the strength to hold on during the storms of stress and the dark of disillusionment. Keep them tender and gentle as they nurture each other in their love. Help these hands to continue building a relationship founded in grace, rich in caring, and devoted to reaching for perfection.

May (Bride) and (Groom) see their four hands as healer, protector, shelter, and guide.

Gotta run to a meeting with a couple about their September wedding. Talk soon!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Handfasting for All!!

Be still my partially pagan heart!
(I'm an Interfaith Minister, remember?)
We've gone mainstream!!
It seems that couples are wanting to have Handfastings more and more, and why shouldn't they? There are many, many different ways of making a Handfasting work for you.  A Handfasting ceremony that includes a Statement of Intention and a Pronouncement at the end can be the whole ceremony in itself, or you can insert a Handfasting into your already traditional ceremony.

(I'll post some ideas here but you can find tons more by doing a Handfasting search on the internet.)
The Ribbons (Hand Binding)
Officiant:  The couple will now make promises and vows to one another.  Let these promises hold them fast when life is rough and rocky, and (displaying the 5 colored ribbons) let these ribbons bind their hearts, hands and lives together.
(Guest, parent, maid of honor, etc. ties the ribbons as the officiant reads the prompts)

Officiant: The color green symbolizes earth, representing the physical and material.  As the green ribbon is tied about your wrists, please repeat together after me:

I promise to live with you always,
to share all I have in the material world with you.
We are partners in life and love,
and we will always work together fo the best of our lives together.

Officiant:  The color Yellow symbolizes air, representing all that is intellectual and mental.  As the yellow ribbon is tied about your wrists, please repeat together after me:

I promise to communicate as clearly as I am able,
to share my thoughts with you,
to share my hopes and dreams,
as well as my fears and insecurities.
I promise to be open to hear you
whether the words be good news or bad.
I promise always to look for the good in your words.

Officiant:  The color Red symbolizes fire, representing the power and passion in your relationship.  As the red ribbon is tied about your wrists, please repeat together after me:

I promise always to feed the fire of our passion,
never to take you for granted,
always to remember who you are,
to treat you as my lover,
always to be open to your expressions of love,
and to share myself totally with you.

Officiant: The Blue ribbon symbolizes water, representing love and the emotions.  As the blue ribbon is tied about your wrists, please repeat together after me:

I promise my heart will always be open to you,
to love and respect you,
always to put you first in my life,
always to consider your feelings when making decisions,
and to put our relationship in the first priority before all else.

Officiant:  The White ribbon symbolizes Spirit, representing the spiritual and philosophical in life.  As the white ribbon is tied about your wrists, please repeat together after me:

As everything in life is a circle,
so is our love.
There is no beginning and no end.
We have been here before, and someday we will return.
We are two, and we are the same.
With this White ribbon,
I promise to honor and preserve
this Spiritual connection.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


September 10, 2011
Group Wedding Ceremony
After having had to say NO to many, many couples asking me to officiate
their weddings on September 10, 2011 and feeling terrible about it...
I have come up with a solution!!

A Group Wedding Ceremony !!

This Wedding Ceremony will be held on September 9, 2011 (9/10/11) from
11am-12noon at my office in Manheim Township, Lancaster County. I will
marry every couple during a group ceremony with the Charge for the Couple
(I do’s) , Vows and Pronouncement being specific to each individual couple.
Because there is no need for witnesses in Pennsylvania, (and the finite
amount of room in my office) this ceremony will be for the Bride and
Groom only. However, following this ceremony you will be legally married
and so, if you’d like a friend or family member to “re-new” your vows at
your reception, I will give you a complete wedding ceremony script and
rehearsal instructions so you can do just that.
Couples must be registered in advance!
For more information and to register, please email Rev. Irene at
(depending upon number of couples registered, location may be moved to something nearby)

Included with Ceremony Fee of $200:
  A meeting with Reverend Irene
One in person FREE consultation (at office in Lancaster) prior to booking 9/10/11.    
*This meeting can be done via telephone or email if you are not local to Lancaster.
 Unlimited support via telephone and/or email throughout the
ceremony planning process.
 A small gift for the Bride from Rev. Irene.
 A beautifully designed, decorative Certificate of Marriage,
suitable for framing.
 Decorative copy of your Ceremony suitable for binding.
 Preparation and filing of all legal documents required
by your County to register your marriage.
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the couple to obtain their marriage license from the County Clerk
with appropriate timeing and to have it to Reverend Irene before 9/9/2011.
 Rehearsal Instructions if you choose to “re-new” your vows at your
reception with a friend or family member “officiating”.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Skip, Skip, Skip to My Lou!!

Hello Brideys! I haven't been able to sit and write much but I do have ideas! I want to get this one down before I forget or become sidetracked so here it is...I did a wedding once and I have wracked my brain trying to remember who the couple was but I can't, isn't that terrible? Anyway, they were very cute, trendy even and what I remember the most is that for the REcessional...the bride skipped.  Skipped!!! They played a snappy song and she skipped while she held her husbands hand and kind of pulled him along. It was ADORABLE!!! That being said, I've been hearing this song by the Plain White T's on the radio, it's called Rhythm of Love and it's perfect for skipping. Just sayin'!  (This one's for you Asha!)  
: )

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Oh The Drama!!

I was at a wedding today with a great group of people. It's possible that they were all actors, or comedians/comediennes, or maybe they were just people that appreciated drama? Either way, it was a great ceremony because of them. It was a short ceremony but what was included were
DRAMATIC READINGS from favorite movies. The readers memorized, ad-libbed and recited with such zest that the guests could not help but applaud after each one!!

Meet Joe Black"Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with? Fall head over heels. I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. And how do you find him? Forget your head and listen to your heart. I'm not hearing any heart. Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back. Because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love - well, you haven't lived a life at all. You have to try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived."
When Harry Met Sally
"I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle in your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

So what's your favorite movie? You can find romantic, eloquent scenes in nearly any movie, no kidding.

Somewhere In Time
"The man of my dreams has almost faded now. The one I have created in my mind. The sort of man each woman dreams of in the deepest and most secret reaches of her heart. I can almost see him now before me. What would I say to him, if he were really here? Forgive me, I have never known this feeling. I've lived without it all my life. Is it any wonder, then, that I fail to recognize you? You-- who brought it to me for the first time. Is there any way I can tell you how my life has changed? Any way at all to let you know what sweetness you have given me? There is so much to say...I cannot find the words. Except for these-- I love you! Such would I say to him, if he were really here."

Captain Corelli's Mandolin"When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part."and YES, even...
Dracula!"I have crossed oceans of time to find you." (This quote can easily be the opening line of a ceremony or the beginning of a marriage address.)

If it feels right and it fits your situation, use it! More to come on Song Lyrics as readings...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Spring has Sprung!!

Well no not really but the weather today has me thinking of Spring Weddings. I've always loved spring, it's my birthday season and the only season that gives you "Spring Fever" which is the best!!! That feeling of everything being new and fresh with endless possibilities. THAT feeling should be in a Spring Ceremony!

Let's take it from the top...
The Music.
Something pretty and light, something with birds singing in the background. Why not play "Loving You" for your processional? Loving youuuuuuuuu is easy cause' you're beautiful and everything that I doooooooooo is filled with loving la la la la, la la la la la, etc.
The Flowers!
Spring colors, purple Lilacs, yellow or white Daffodils, Orchids (white ones can be dyed any color), lavender Hyacinths and blue Iris's! (that sounds like the Lucky Charms commercial!) Have them thrown together with a big ribbon for a wild flower pretty!! Why not add some teeny-tiny birds and butterflies (faux of course) to your bouquet?
The Words!
The Spring is when everything blossoms. Life on earth is re-born, so too is your marriage new. You may have been together for 14 years, but on the day of your wedding you step into a fuller and more mystical expression of Love, your UNIQUE marriage. Why not ask your officiant to write something special about just that. Your marriage as something that has never existed before. Ask them to use Spring as a jumping board for your ceremony, it'll bring everything together nicely.

And this is just a little opinion from me...YELLOW! I'm feeling yellow lately. I'm not jaundiced or anything, I love yellow! Any shade, I think it's happy and pretty and bright. Just sayin'. I thought of getting a yellow robe but then I thought better of it. I might end up looking like a big, baby chick. So I'm ordering a yellow stole (that's the thing that looks like a wide ribbon that ministers wear around thier necks) in case anyone has a color scheme to match. Oh Please Do!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Have I Got a Venue for You!!!

Ok, hold onto your hats...or tiara or veils, etc. 
I have found THE Ceremony's gorgeous, it's famous and best of all...
IT'S FREE!!!!!!! FREE!!!!!!!! FREE!!!!!!!!!
The Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg. 
If you're a Pennsylvania resident, it is free for your ceremony use.  All they ask is that you rent chairs for your guests and I think at local rental places, they're about $1 each.  You don't need any decoration because the place itself is breathtaking.  I found one picture online, but I'm looking and asking around for more so you can see it!

For more information contact Walter George through the Capitol Events office.
The number is 717-705-7775.

Become a facebook FAN for your chance
to win up to $2000 in custom jewelery!

Finch Jewelers believes everyone should have a signature piece that is as unique and captivating as the individual wearing it. If you’ve thought about having something designed for your loved one, let jewelry designer Jessica Finch use her prowess as an artisan to make your dreams a reality.
and while you're there, why not apply to be on
Dream Weddings, The Show??

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Your Official Officiant

I've been thinking about officiants.  I want to tell you about the officiant I hired years ago when I got married (before I was an Interfaith Minister).  I was living in Pennsylvania and planning my wedding in New York.  I found an officiant in the Yellow Pages. The WHAT you say? The Yellow Pages. It was a magical book that had all different businesses listed in it.  This was wayyyy before the web you kids are so crazy about. : )
So I find this guy in the Yellow Pages.  I call him. He gives me a price and asks if I want to book him. I say yes because really, what choice did I have? (He was the only one listed that would come to Staten Island!) Nobody wants to go to Staten Island, but that's another story. He tells me he doesn't do rehearsals, I say OK.  I send him a check and don't see or talk to him until the day of my wedding.  He showed up in a ripped black robe that my sister-in-law had to put together with safety pins.  He had a cookie cutter wedding ceremony and he commented on my boobies. That's right.  My boobies. 

What I'm trying to tell you is...your officiant is important!!! 

Ask your friends for referrals.  Look online and pay attention to reviews! Meet your officiant.  If you are out of state or country, talk on the phone. Talk on the phone at least twice.  Ask lots of questions. Go with your gut.  If something feels awkward, its probably not a "love" connection. 

Know what you're looking for in an officiant.  Do you want a strictly traditional ceremony? Then maybe versatility isn't so important.  Do you want to have a Christian or Pagan or Jewish ceremony? Then you'll want to make sure they are experienced in those religions or at least willing to research and "perform" it for you.  Do you want something different, and unique? Then you'll want someone creative and experienced with writing. Ask for samples.

The ceremony is most likely the part of the day that will make you nervous.  At times like that it's nice to have a friend who might just make a goofy face when no one is looking...or someone whose smile will help you to relax. Take your time and when you finally decide who your Official Officiant will be, if it's right, he or she will be just as excited as you are! Yay!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Peace, UNITY, Love...and havin' fun...

James Brown knew what weddings are all about!

Let's concentrate on the Unity for now.  Unity Ceremonies to be exact. The ceremonies within your ceremony.  Let's see, there is the Unity Candle Ceremony, Unity Sand Ceremony, Unity Wine Ceremony, Unity Water Ceremony, Unity Bread Ceremony and the list goes on and on!! While any of these are sweet, why not create your own?!?! Where do you think they all came from? From someones imagination of course, so who's to say you can't put your own spin on a Unity Ceremony.  I officiated for a couple that met while playing we had a Softball Bat Unity Ceremony! They had two little bats made and placed them on a plaque while I spoke about bringing the teams (families) together and home runs and all that fun stuff. 

On a more "serious" note, the father of a groom I officiated for is a Steel Artist so the couple created two halves of a steel heart and joined the pieces together during the ceremony. It went a little something like this...HIT IT!

Unity Ceremony
I'd like to read you a poem by Joseph Wardy

Steel as in firmness... Demonstrates commitment of convictions.
Steel as in heart... Your not intimidated by the practice of tenderness.
Steel as in mind... you have toughness balanced with flexibility.

If you look up the definition of steel in the dictionary, you will learn that it is Iron made stronger by mixing it with other substances, it's much like a marriage where one partner is made stronger by the addition of the other partner's love.

I bring this up because Rob and Jessica have created something from steel to use in their ceremony today.  I'd like to ask their mother's to bring their respective children the piece that they have fashioned from steel.  Now Rob and Jessica will join these pieces together as a symbol of their coming together today.  After the ceremony they will be welding it together like the melting together of parts of themselves.

(and the heart was joined together and placed on the altar).

You can make a Unity Ceremony out of anything! A shared hobby or occupation maybe? Just use your imagination and make your ceremony your own!

Shout out to my first follower!!! Hollerrrr!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow...BUT BE PREPARED!!!

Don't let this happen to you!

Okay, so the weather outside is frightful, but a wedding is delightful, blah blah must, must be prepared if your dream is to have an Outdoor Wedding Ceremony in the throws of winter!!! First of all, get some coverage, a tent is a definite for this situation.  You never know when the skies will open up and drizzle or flurry or out and out SNOW (see picture), and while the idea of snow falling as you speak your vows to your beloved is nice...wet, sticky, hairsprayed hair is NOT.

Second, have some kind of flooring.  Either have a floor installed by an event company or throw down a tarp, believe me, it will save a lot of guests from frostbitten toes!  It is my experience that partially frozen ground, covered by a bit of snow and gorgeous suede boots do not mix.  Although my head was dry (thank you tent), my toes ached for days!

Another considerate.  You know how at an outdoor ceremony in the summer, the couple might have programs made in the shape of a fan so the guests can cool themselves as they swelter under the sun? How about offering your guests a cup of hot cocoa or cider when they arrive? They're only going to be watching the ceremony so their hands are free to hold a nice warm cup of something. 

Don't expect guests to sit. Don't even have seats.  Cold seats = freezing you know whats. Need I say more?

Please think of your officiant. How about hand warmers? Its very difficult to turn the page of a ceremony script with numb fingers. Hand warmers are a nice token of your appreciation. They can be tucked neatly into a pair of gloves or a robe pocket! I bring my own, but your officiant may not. Check out the officiant in the picture, I can tell he's a smart man. How? He's the only one wearing a red, pom-pom hat. This may be the only thing visible after the avalanche that they are obviously in the middle of, settles.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Location, Location, Location

The first thing to consider when thinking about your ceremony is the location.  If you are a member of a specific church then you are in have a place for your ceremony! If you’re going for a non-religious service, you clearly don’t want a church.  Weddings can be anywhere – parks, your home, a hotel, a barn.  Sometimes cool architectural spaces like museums or theatres or libraries will rent out the space.  If you have a space in mind and don’t know if they do weddings, a baseball stadium for example...ask them! 

Even if they normally don’t rent the space, they might be thrilled to help you out, if only for the public relations benefits.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Upcoming Unique Bridal Show!

Join me at the Legacy of Love Bridal Faire on March 6th at the Legacy Ballroom in Lancaster!!! Go to for more information and for daily tips from select vendors!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Prince - Let's Go Crazy

To get through this thing called life...

Alright, I had to start it out that way. I grew up in the 80's and while I'm pretty sure most of you have no idea what that is...I bet there's at least a handful of you that do. It's Prince!! The song was called "Let's Go Crazy" and that's the first line. It's stuck in my head, sue it's out, it won't happen again...with that song at least.

Onto the matter at hand...Wedding Ceremonies! Since this is my first post I guess I should explain what I'm attempting to do. I've been writing and officiating ceremonies for almost 7 years and I've learned a thing or two...or two hundred AND I learn something new every day. Take today for example, I officiated for a couple who wanted their ceremony to be short and sweet and didn't want to recite vows in front of everyone, they felt that was too personal and out of their comfort zone. The solution? To blend the vows with the ring exchange. Simple.
This is about making your ceremony your own. I'll share tips and tricks, things you've never thought of and things you didn't think you could do during your ceremony. I'll also share words of wisdom from make-up artists, wedding planners, and photographers that I've worked with over the years.
Remember...your Wedding Ceremony sets the tone for YOUR Special Day so it should be Special!

Let's go crazy, let's get nuts. Look for the purple banana til' they put us in the truck, let's go! Sorry!